Monday, March 17, 2014

Coming to a Close

As the electronic resources challenge comes to an end, I would like to thank the wonderful ladies who put this challenge together! What a great way to get a chance to explore resources that I am now using on a regular basis! The biggest discovery I found throughout the challenge was the Learning Express Library where it offers the practice tests to determine the areas students are low in.  Here in WMS, we are working on low standards in Informational Text and the Learning Express Library offers a resource to see what areas we need to work harder on before we begin district testing here in a few weeks.

As for promoting the resources, I am already doing this.  My students are currently working on research papers and I had a large majority of students who found all of their resources from the state library (which they loved because almost all of them provide the citation for them)!  I have also discussed the resources with many of my colleagues, especially the Learning Express Library!

Again, thank you!

Monday, March 10, 2014

AncestryLibrary, HeritageQuest, and Sanborn Maps

On AncestryLibrary, I tried searching my own name and found zero results pertaining to myself.  Most of the results I found were only based on my last name (I also tried my maiden name as well to see if I could find anything there and no luck).

Next on AncestryLibrary, I chose to search for information on my maternal grandfather.  I was able to find information on his birth certificate, marriage certificate, and death certificate.  I was also able to find information of a school, church, and library directory.  I found it interesting that they list the social security number?

When searching for pictures linked to South Dakota, I was amazed at the number of resources that were yearbook pictures from various locations around the state.  I found an interesting link of a club started at what was called Wesleyan School (I assume what is known as Dakota Wesleyan University now) which was called the Bolivian Club.  Apparently it was a club founded by 3 students who were interested in Bolivia, South America, which eventually grew to 30 members! A very unique group in my opinion! Very different from any college group you would find today.

I have tried several times to open the HeritageQuest link and each time I try it brings nothing up but a blank white page? I am not sure if the link is not working or if it is an issue on my end??

In Sanborn Maps, I chose to search for information about my hometown of Parkston, SD.  I chose to search for the information from 1928-1938.  I was able to see a plot map of the city and where the homes were located at that time.  Very interesting to see all the homes so separated from one another! How different from today where some houses seem to be right on top of one another!

Monday, March 3, 2014

WorldCat, CAMIO and More


In the WorldCat catalogue, you can search in many different ways including by author, material type, composer, ISBN number, and various others.  I chose to search the title Where the Red Fern Grows.  There were 180 records found, but only 161 of them were in English which I found to be very interesting.  A total of 2045 libraries worldwide have the first item! Wow! Not too surprising considering the novel is considered a classic. The top library is Black Hills State University.  The novel had several descriptors including: Hunting dogs -- Juvenile fiction.Human-animal relationships -- Juvenile fiction.; Dogs -- Fiction.; Hunting -- Fiction. When I clicked on the authors name, I found a total of 439 results, with only 235 of those results being books.  When I went into the information, the majority of the results were Where the Red Fern Grows.  I liked that it also contained a link to the citation for the page (very useful for students working on research papers!).

Using the OAIster search, I found an article on Agriculture Mediation and Counseling.  The information was about a farm program available to SD farmers for additional assistance.  I could see the information being helpful if you had received a copy of a pamphlet or handout and lost your copy.  I could see it being helpful because you could find a new copy with all of the information and contact information.  I liked that you are able to access a link with the information without having to print it out (save a tree).

In CAMIO, I found many interesting links on the Sioux.  I found that a lot of the results were Costume and Jewelry   I also liked that the information contains the creator and the museum location.  I could see this resource being a great tool for incorporating the Oceti Sakowin standards in the classroom.  It would be wonderful to have pictures of actual materials that we are discussing.  I could also find this being helpful when discussing different artists within pieces of literature.  What a great way to get students exposed to art! I could see the personalizing favorites being very helpful to have students present.  How neat is it that the search engine puts the information into a slideshow for you and allows you to compare certain images.

Monday, February 24, 2014


For the first portion of this weeks challenge, I have chosen to explore the kids search feature for middle and high school students because I teach middle school.  I have chosen to explore the area of science as that is one of the areas I teach.  My students will soon be doing a research project on volcanoes and I thought this might be a good source for them to use.  I really liked how the search lets the user narrow down the type of sources (books and encyclopedias, bibliographies, and pictures).  I also like that all articles are dated and contain the Lexile level.  Once into the sources, the information is broken down into subheadings which would help students to focus on the specific types of information they are looking for.

I remained in the kids search feature for my search on Constitution Day resources.  I was able to find many good options to have students be exploring Constitution Day.  The first one I really liked was It Made America by Elizabeth Carney.  The information is interesting and relevant to students.  It comes from a Scholastic News Magazine which I know my students enjoy reading.  Many of the sources I found came from Scholastic sources including, Scholastic News, Scope, and Weekly Reader.  I would also recommend the Constitution Day source from Scholastic News 2006 for teachers because it would be a great pre/post test to determine what students know/have learned about the constitution.

I chose to search Nebraska in the PB Publisher search. I was amazed by the large number of interesting articles on Native American literature.  The search provided a link to the full ebook or a link to the table of contents or the most relevant items depending on what you are in search of.  I thought this could be helpful if you were searching for specific information without having to read the entire book. I find it to be helpful that each book contains a published date and breaks the information into subject areas.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Gale Virtual Reference Library

I selected the volume Novels for Students (2002).  I thought this would be useful in my classroom as a tool to help students in finding individual novels they might be interested in reading.  The title I selected provides very insightful critiques to literature that students may be interested in reading. Our students are part of the AR reading program, and this would be a useful tool in helping point them in the direction of literature they could explore on their own!

I chose to search for an answer to the question to what foods contain zinc because the question had me wondering. I was able to find out that oysters are a very natural source of zinc.  I found that it is more helpful to click on the view text link versus clicking on the title of the article. I also really liked that the information in the volume selected is hyperlinked by subheading.  A great tool to find what you are looking for without having to read the entire volume. I found the listen feature to be a nice option but I could not find a way to have it just read certain subheadings.  I think it would be nice to just select the portions you want read to you.  

Monday, February 10, 2014


For my search, I chose to search the common core standards.  As I use them everyday and hear about the major debate going on over them, I thought it would be a good topic to search.  I was amazed by the number of search results provided, especially with the full-text limitation.  I figured that would limit the number of results greatly.  I really like the links that each article provides before you even click into the article.  I could see the summary and the preview option being very helpful for students who are working on research projects.  I also see the link to the citation for each article being a great help when we begin our research projects here in a few weeks! The other thing that caught my attention was the graph showing the dates of publications of the article (obviously the great majority of my articles had been written in the past 20 years).  I also found that if you click on the graph you can narrow the information to the time period in which it was written.

Under the publications tab in ProQuest, I chose to search the American Teacher.  I think this is a great resource to access periodicals without having to subscribe to the periodical. I had no idea that we had access to something like this.  Thanks again for a great find to stay current on the ever changing world of education! I was also amazed by the number of options of periodicals to check into.  I like that you can look at the most recent issue and also at past issues.

Monday, February 3, 2014

SIRS Issue Researcher and Discoverer

SIRS Discoverer
I searched armadillos in SIRS Discoverer and was amazed by the number of results that were found (87 total articles).  I really liked that at the top of the page it divides it into the types of articles they are (magazine, newspaper, reference article, etc.) I could see this being very helpful in my classroom as my students do projects where they are required to have at least one non-internet based source.  I have used this before in my Communication Arts classes but will have to remember to use it next year in my science classes as the students are required to have at least one book source for their science fair projects! I also liked that the reading levels ranged all the way from third grade to ninth grade reading levels.  I also liked the links that show before you even click on a link whether or not it contains pictures (majority of them do!).  The captions on the pictures are also very helpful (using graphic aids)!

I selected the country of Russia because of the upcoming Olympics! The site provided a plethora of information on Russia all neatly broken into categories to help students zero in on the information they are looking for.

In the Maps of the World, I found a map of Georgia.  I could see these maps being very useful in my classroom.  My students just two weeks ago had to find major landmarks covered in a class novel and label them on the map to help us track the journey the young girl takes in the novel.  The students could have found maps of each state on the list to identify and focused in on what they needed.  They seemed to struggle having the map of the US and I think this would alleviate some of the confusion!

As a middle school science teacher, I went into the educator's resources and found the link to the science fair explorer. I thought it was wonderful that it broke the potential projects in to areas.  Then the students could focus on what areas interest them the most (recycling, the bathroom, the kitchen, etc.)  I will definitely be showing my students this link next year when we choose science fair topics!  There are multiple choices for each individual interest area.

SIRS Issue Researcher
I chose a major issue in schools today, bullying. As a Communication Arts teacher, I loved the links to the research tools! What a great way to help students organize the information they are finding in their research. The site also does a great job of defining the problem and why it is a major issue.  I was amazed that the number of amazing articles that were linked below (pages upon pages of articles).  I could see myself using this in my classroom when we do research papers here in a few weeks.  The students could choose a side and defend their side of the issue based on the information they have found.

I chose my favorite subject to be creative writing.  As a teacher, what a wonderful link to ideas on implementing creative writing within my classroom.  This will definitely be put to good use as I begin teaching a separate writing course next school year! One of the ideas I can already see coming into my classroom are the Edgar Allan Poe Museum ideas. We read The Tell Tale Heart with our 8th graders and I would love to share with them the link on the mystery of Edgar Allen Poe's death.  I would love to see what their theories would be for how Poe might have died! I am very glad to have had the opportunity to dive deeper into this great resource! THANK YOU!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Lesson 3- Learning Express Hub

I chose to go into a test for middle school students.  As one of our low areas is informational text, I chose to take a test on informational text.  I found the test to be great! The questions were great practice that I plan to implement in my daily classroom! The only feature that I did not like on the test was the skip this question for now option because I could see some of my students thinking it was an easy out to not have to answer the questions.  They would then soon realize that they will have to come back to the question before they can finish the test.  I like that they don't have to answer all questions at once but maybe not wording it that way would help (especially with middle schoolers).

I chose to explore the option for teaching.  I was impressed to see the on the job requirements and what it takes to be a teacher.  The outlook of what the career field looks like would also be helpful to know if their will be openings in the field once they have pursued their degree.  I also found it helpful that they included the links to the required tests to become a teacher.

I found an e-book on culinary arts that was a self-paced learning guide.  I think this would be a good introduction for someone to decide if this was a life course that they were truly interested in without having to go through paying for college courses to find that out.  I really liked that it offered the practice test and how to pursue a job in that field.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Lesson 2- Mango Languages

1.  I chose the German language as it is a major part of my heritage.  Before clicking launch, I was able to learn that 105 million speak German as their native language.  Also, another 80 million speak the language as a non-native language.  I also found out the language is primarily spoken in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

2. When I launched it, I thought it was very helpful that you could take a placement test.  Especially as an educator, it is nice to see the option to see where I am at before I get started (hopefully all the German classes in high school and college stuck with me :))! I thought the placement test was great because you were able to listen to the language being spoken instead of trying to read an unfamiliar language.  I also like that the lessons are broken down into different sections such as speaking, shopping, and in use of emergencies. I could see this being very helpful if you are planning to visit an new country.  I also like that it provides the opportunity for review at the end of each section.  I also liked that the sections are then broken down into multiple mini lessons. I guess I didn't find any options I didn't like.  Everything I found seemed to be very helpful and very user friendly!

Lesson 2- Chilton Library

1. At 30,000 miles, the cooling system hoses and clamps should be serviced and inspected. The exhaust system and heat shields should be serviced and inspected.  The fuel system should also be inspected.

2. The most recent technical service bulletin was an automatic transmission product update  on May 1, 2007.

3. For the antilock brake system on my vehicle, I was able to find the fastener tightening specifications for all different areas of the vehicle in both metric and english measurements.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Lesson 1c- World Book Foreign Language Edition

After searching through the visual dictionary in both the Spanish and French version, I think this would be a great tool for foreign language teachers.  I could see this being used as a tool to help students make a connection between the worlds they are learning and a visual aid.  I could also see this being useful for students who are ELL and are unfamiliar with many things around the classroom.  This tool could be used to aid in a stronger understanding when those students are immersed in the classroom.  I think this tool would be a great way to teach students problem solving skills as well.  Many students would easily become frustrated because they could not read the words.  It would be interesting to see them use other critical thinking skills to find what they were looking for even if they were unable to read and comprehend the words.

In the Spanish version, I also liked the link to have the passage read aloud in Spanish.  I think this again would be very useful in foreign language courses.  I think too many times students can learn the words but never correctly learn how to pronounce them and use them in the correct context.  I feel the more students are exposed to the information the more successful they will be.  I also think this feature would be useful for ELL students who are making the transition into the classroom.  They could learn the information in their native language and then create the rest of their project. I could see this being a great bridge for many ELL students.

Lesson 1b- World Book Public Library Edition

World Book Online for Kids offers very grade appropriate information (K-5).  The information is put in simple terms for elementary students to understand and make use of.  The page also offers to read the text aloud if the students are not capable of reading the text themselves, this would be especially helpful for students in the primary grade levels. The page also includes pictures and links to a video about the specific mammal. The site offers citations for those in higher grade levels who are required to cite their sources.  I also found the extra links at the bottom to be especially helpful because they are selected by the World Book Online for Kids which ensures students are not going to sites with inappropriate information.

World Book Online Info Finder is geared toward students in grades 5-9.  The information is much more detailed than that found on the World Book Online for Kids.  I particularly like how the information is divided into headings to help students sort through what they need and do not need for various projects.  The Online Info Finder offers many more pictures but does contain a link to the same video I found on the Kids version.  The Info Finder also offers the citation for the source. I was disappointed to see it did not have links to other information that would be helpful to students like I found in the Kids version.  I was happy to see it would read the text out loud to the students just as the Kids version did.

When a country is first searched in World Book Online Reference Center, it contains links on the left hand side which would be useful  if students are required to include certain types of material in their research, such as maps or primary sources.  I would compare the information found to the information found in the World Book Discover.  Very in-depth and detailed.  Students could use this in situations where the headings would be useful to determine what is and what is not relevant to their research.  I really like the option for the text to be read to the students.  I also like the video connections and the link to translate the text for students, this would be especially helpful for students who are ELL.  I also thought this particular search engine would be useful in my own personal life (I was curious when I saw the age level said through adult).

Lesson 1a- World Book School Edition

World Book Kids is definitely well created for elementary type projects.  I have done subbing in the elementary and have found the information I have found on World Book kids very age appropriate (K-5).

World Book Student would be geared more toward my students (middle school).  I have had students use World Book Student before and have found it to be very useful in our research paper we create!  I like that the material in World Book student is divided well into useful headings.  This would make it very easy for students to find exactly what they are looking for!

World Book Advanced could also be well adapted into my middle school classroom. I teach middle school science and this would be very useful for the multiple research projects my students complete.  As a reading teacher, I appreciate the Lexile level of the passage to ensure students are reading text they are capable of understanding. World Book Advanced also offers the option where the text can be read to them if the text is above their reading level. World Book Advanced also breaks it down into headings (similar to World Book Student but it has links this time).  Students could also find useful pictures and videos to supplement understanding.