Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Lesson 2- Mango Languages

1.  I chose the German language as it is a major part of my heritage.  Before clicking launch, I was able to learn that 105 million speak German as their native language.  Also, another 80 million speak the language as a non-native language.  I also found out the language is primarily spoken in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

2. When I launched it, I thought it was very helpful that you could take a placement test.  Especially as an educator, it is nice to see the option to see where I am at before I get started (hopefully all the German classes in high school and college stuck with me :))! I thought the placement test was great because you were able to listen to the language being spoken instead of trying to read an unfamiliar language.  I also like that the lessons are broken down into different sections such as speaking, shopping, and in use of emergencies. I could see this being very helpful if you are planning to visit an new country.  I also like that it provides the opportunity for review at the end of each section.  I also liked that the sections are then broken down into multiple mini lessons. I guess I didn't find any options I didn't like.  Everything I found seemed to be very helpful and very user friendly!


Fabric and Books said...

So did your previous German classes help with the placement test? :) Great post with wonderful observations. I'm glad you liked Mango!


Miss Horstman said...

I would say they helped a bit…probably not as much as my former teachers would have liked :)

Fabric and Books said...

It is hard to remember languages when you don't use them! My high school Spanish is pretty vague after all these years!