Monday, January 31, 2011

CNN News Journal February 4th

You will need to write at least a TWO paragraph response to today's episode of CNN Student News. Make sure to tell me what you thought. You do NOT need to retell everything that happened. I watched it with you!

Question of the Week February 4th

Pretend that when you awake this morning, you and your family found you had been transported to another country. Tell what country you are in and what you will do next. As always you will need to write at least THREE paragraphs. Be creative and very descriptive!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Question of the Week January 28th

The Superbowl is played toward the end of January. Pretend that you are a football player who just scored the winning touchdown. Write and answer at LEAST 5 questions a TV reporter might ask. For this question of the week, you will not be writing in paragraph form. You will need to make sure you have at LEAST a two sentence response to each question. Yes and no responses will not be sufficient.

Friday, January 21, 2011

CNN News Journal January 21st

As usual you will need to write a two paragraph response to today's episode of CNN Student News. Remember to really describe what you thought. Explain your thoughts well!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

CNN Student News Journal January 19th

You will need to write a TWO paragraph response today's episode of CNN Student News. Make sure to tell me what you thought and not what you saw. I will no longer be allowing things such as I like this or I liked that. You will have to give more description about the situation to earn full points.

Friday, January 14, 2011

CNN Student News Journal January 17th

As always, you will need to write a TWO paragraph response to today's episode of CNN Student News. Remember to tell me what you thought and not retell what you saw. What did you like? What did you dislike?

Question of the Week January 21st

January is National Soup Month. Create a recipe for a soup that has magical powers. Describe the ingredients in the soup and what happens to people to eat it. As usual, you will need to write THREE paragraphs on the question. Try to add some "fancy" words!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Question of the Week January 14th

January 11th is International Thank-You Day write a thank-you to someone who has done something special for you and your family. Be specific. You will need to write THREE pargraphs.

Friday, January 7, 2011

CNN Response Journal January 7th

As usual you will have to write a TWO paragraph response to today's episode of CNN Student News. Make sure to tell me what you thought and not retell what happened!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Question of the Week January 7th

Pretend a spaceship lands in your backyard one day and the pilot invites you to go for a ride. Write all about your unusual space adventure in space. As always you will need to write at least THREE paragraphs for the Question of the Week!