Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Gale Virtual Reference Library

I selected the volume Novels for Students (2002).  I thought this would be useful in my classroom as a tool to help students in finding individual novels they might be interested in reading.  The title I selected provides very insightful critiques to literature that students may be interested in reading. Our students are part of the AR reading program, and this would be a useful tool in helping point them in the direction of literature they could explore on their own!

I chose to search for an answer to the question to what foods contain zinc because the question had me wondering. I was able to find out that oysters are a very natural source of zinc.  I found that it is more helpful to click on the view text link versus clicking on the title of the article. I also really liked that the information in the volume selected is hyperlinked by subheading.  A great tool to find what you are looking for without having to read the entire volume. I found the listen feature to be a nice option but I could not find a way to have it just read certain subheadings.  I think it would be nice to just select the portions you want read to you.  


faith library said...

I don't care for oysters - but zinc is great for the body. The listening feature is unique and highlights the text and it reads to you.

Fabric and Books said...

GVRL has a lot of great titles--excellent usage of the novel resources. You can hear a portion of an article if you select the section and then click listen--it will start where your selected text starts.

Thanks for your post!

Unknown said...

I agree that it would be nice to listen to a selection of the text. Thanks, Julie, for explaining how we can do this!