Monday, February 10, 2014


For my search, I chose to search the common core standards.  As I use them everyday and hear about the major debate going on over them, I thought it would be a good topic to search.  I was amazed by the number of search results provided, especially with the full-text limitation.  I figured that would limit the number of results greatly.  I really like the links that each article provides before you even click into the article.  I could see the summary and the preview option being very helpful for students who are working on research projects.  I also see the link to the citation for each article being a great help when we begin our research projects here in a few weeks! The other thing that caught my attention was the graph showing the dates of publications of the article (obviously the great majority of my articles had been written in the past 20 years).  I also found that if you click on the graph you can narrow the information to the time period in which it was written.

Under the publications tab in ProQuest, I chose to search the American Teacher.  I think this is a great resource to access periodicals without having to subscribe to the periodical. I had no idea that we had access to something like this.  Thanks again for a great find to stay current on the ever changing world of education! I was also amazed by the number of options of periodicals to check into.  I like that you can look at the most recent issue and also at past issues.


Fabric and Books said...

Wonderful post! You've mentioned so many of the great highlights in Proquest! When you do a search the limiters on the right side of the page are extremely powerful--my favorite is document type. You can limit articles by interview, review, etc.
What a super title you found in the publications tab. We promote using it for professional reading often. Thanks so much for your post! Julie

faith library said...

Thanks for your post. Common Core standards is something that every school staff member and now public library staff should become familiar with as it deals with teaching/how our children are learning. Thanks for sharing.

#1 Nana said...

Your post was great! I am amazed at how many resources are available to staff, students and their parents through the SDSL. I am sharing what I learn and finding my students enjoying learning as much as I do.

Pam said...

I like how you pointed out some of the other features of Proquest besides the general search tool for specific topics. I like the idea of limiting the results to certain publications to see current trends and topics (especially in education.)

Pam said...

I like how you pointed out some of the other features of Proquest besides the general search tool for specific topics. I like the idea of limiting the results to certain publications to see current trends and topics (especially in education.)

Peggy Hanzlik said...

Great post! I too liked the preview tab showing a summary of the article. Learning how to use the tools to narrow a search are also beneficial. I too did not know that all of these professional journals were available here! YEAH