Friday, April 15, 2011

Question of the Week April 15th

"As you are taking a walk one afternoon, you find a fountain. A sign says that if you drink from this fountain, you will stay the same age forever. Would you take a drink? Describe what you would do and why." As always you will need to write at least a THREE paragraph response to the question. Explain your reasoning well!


12 said...

Yes or no? Absolutely not, no way! I would never take a drink now. I would want to be at least 23. I chose 23, because I hope to maybe be married by then. Then if I took a drink from the Fountain of Youth I would be 23 for the rest of my life. I could have kids, and a husband. My life would be perfect!

Have you ever thought about if you would take a drink? The reason my answer was no is, because I would want to definitely be out of school. I would have a career, and be making lots of money. Also being 23 would allow me to be an adult, and I wouldn’t have to listen to my parents.

If I took a drink now I would have to still be considered a child, and who wants that for the rest of their lives? I would want to be independent, have my own apartment, and be on my own. I would have the perfect life I think, obviously it’s all personal preference, but I would want to be an adult.

6 said...

I would take a drink, but I would want to be a different age. I would want to be 4 years old. I only say that I would want to be four because, that was the last year I ever spent with my mom. I would chose that age so then I don’t have to suffer losing her. That would be amazing not having to worry about losing my mom. That would just make everything so much better.

I would be glad to stay four years old forever. Then we could all be a happy family. Just me, my dad, my sister, and my mom. I’m sure that would make everyone in my family a lot happier. I would love that. my dad would love that. my sister would really LOVE that. we could all be happy again.

When I do take a drink out of the fountain, it would taste like apple juice. That way I will keep going back for more. I would be the sweet little girl I used to be. We would also have my old dog, and my old cat. I would love for this to happen. It would make be happy again, instead of locked away in depression.

10 said...

If I could drink from a fountain and stay that age for ever I would like to be 21 when I drink from it. I really like the age 21. I could get a good job that age to. I would do a lot of things then.

After A couple of years being 21 it would get boring. It would stink always having a birthday party for me turning 21. I would get sick of the number 21.One good thing is I could still get married at that age.

Here are the bad things about staying this age for ever. My kids would get older than me. I would not like that. After the bad things that I have written I do not think I would like To drink From this Fountain at anytime of my life.

8 said...

If I went by a fountain and there was a sign that said that if I drank it I would stay the same age forever. I think I would drink it I would wait until I was 21 though. Than if I wanted to I could drive. I could start a family. I could get a job I could do a lot of stuff.
I could get married. I could get my own house. I could just stay young for ever. It would be fun.
I would do all this stuff because I want to do some of them right now but I’m too young. I don’t have a job to do them either. I just want to do some of the things.

1 said...

No I wouldn’t want to stay the same age forever. Sure it would be cool to be 21 or 18 forever but there are bad things too. Like if you get married and you stay young and your wife or husband grows old then you will be alone. You would be the only one.

I want to grow old that’s the coolest part of your life is being old with grand children and kids of your own. It’s part of life to grow old. It’s not supposed to change. Why stay young and make the same mistakes over and over when you can get old and be happy with somebody.

I never ever want to stay just one age because every thing around you will be changing and you will just stay the same. Nobody to stay with, you would be all alone. Why would anybody want that? I know I wouldn’t

7 said...

Whoa is it true? Well I know that I would wait until I’m like 25! I would wait that long cause I would want to be out of school and have a job. I wouldn’t want to stay young because you would be like 12 and a senior….how weird would that be! You would never get to drive………..that would stink!!

I would maybe wait until I was older. I would wait until I got out of college then go back to the place and drink out of the fountain. What if it doesn’t work? That would stink! I don’t want to grow old! Would you ever die?

I would also like to be older then 18 cause then you could get married! Well if you ever meet someone…….or die alone with cats….maybe they will die before you and then maybe you would always have to go back to get more and that would just continue until the world ends! If you’re still alive and the world ends….what would you do? Would you just sit there and watch the world end?

9 said...

If there was a fortune that could make you in age and keep you that way would then would not because if you choose in age that you are a college you will say in college for you in tire life. I would hate that if was going to say in college for my in tire life. I would go crazy’s. I would like to get married.
When I got married and had a kid or two that is when I would like to have a drink of the water. I would take one on my 30th birthday, just so I won’t be able to turn 40.then I would be old, I do not want to be old. 40year old is really old for me.

I really don’t want to turn 60. Well I would want to be 29 just because. What if the day was going to happen over and over? Well that would be wired.

4 said...

I was walking and all of a sudden I see a water fountain. It said drink but I didn’t. I read the sign again. In fine print it said if you drink this you will stay the same age forever.

I thought about it. I decided to wait and drink it when I was 21. I had to wait a long time. When I was 21 years old.

I forgot where it was. It took me 5 mouths to find it again. I took a drink. Nothing happened.

2 said...

I have a couple of different opinions on what I would do. The first thought that would come to mind would be to find some information about that fountain first. Somebody could have thought of a joke and just stuck a sign to any old fountain. Then, just waited for people to start drinking from it, or to see how many people would drink from it. It would be a good joke though.
Another thought that would come to mind would be that somebody could of done something to it. There could have been some terrorist that put poison in it or something. Although that terrorist would o been pretty mest up in the head. I dought somebody would do that though although the world is pretty mest up.
If it was a real fountain of youth I would probably wait till I had a drivers license and was married. Then I would convince my wife to drink out of it . That way she wouldn’t die and I would still be alive. But then I would tell my kids about it that way they could drink out of it when there older.

#3 said...

Yes I would drink it but I will not drink it at the age of 13. I won’t talk it at 13 because don’t want to be 13 all my life. When you are 13 you don’t get to do whatever you want to. Well some people do but I don’t that is why I don’t want to be 13 all my life.

I think I will drink out of the fountain when I turn 20 because that is a good age to stay young. I want to be 20 because I can basically do whatever I want. I will be out of school. Plus when you are 20 you can never die of old age.

The only thing that will stink is that is when I go to college. I wonder if I will pass college because if I will stay 20. I will move to California because it is hot a nice. I want to have a sports car. I think it will be really cool if I could have $200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 dollars.

13 said...

I would wait until I am 22 to drink out of the fountain. I would never age or grow older so when everybody else dies in my family I would be the oldest person alive. It would be so cool to be the oldest person alive. I would have my driver license longer than anybody.

I would be in paradise being really famous. Nobody would know where it was but me. If it lasts forever I would destroy it after I get married. If I get married I would let my go to it and be young forever.

I would do it because it would be cool to see a these kids get old and die. I would never die and still look good. I would take a bath in it and drink in it to. And be young FOR EVER!!!

5 said...

If I took a drink good and bad things would happen. A good thing, you would never die. A bad thing, eventually you’re kids would be older then you (that would be weird). Another good thing you would look the same forever (never go bald, and NO WRINKLES).

I would probably not drink from it. I would not because if I did all my family would die. I would have no family. I would be sad.

Overall it would be a tough decision. I probably wouldn’t. I would not drink from it.